Me and my Pea

Me and my Pea

Monday, August 11, 2008

You Scream, I Scream, We all Scream for Ream Ream????

Mackenzie loves ice-cream, well she calls it Ream Ream. She will even say, "Mommy pease come" and will take my finger and pull me to the freezer and say "Ream Ream pease"

Often times we settle for a fruit snack. When we visited the doctor her recco was to give Mac some ice cream to help with the blisters, and well she is her mothers daughter and sweet things are well sweeeet!

While watching her favorite show "Booooooots" thats Dora the Explorer for the rest of us, Boots was having Ream Ream, so Mackenzie wanted hers. Usually I say no, its 1pm on Monday its not ice cream time, then I why not.

I spent the first few years of her life living up to parenting books, I am actually better for these books but I dont want to live (or force this life on others he he he ) by a book. So we had a sweet treat in the middle of the day, today for no other reason then her friend Boots was having some ream ream too!

James Taylor said it best -
"How sweet it is to be loved by you"

(Bad hair days are Mommy's fault - but hey it was a slow Monday)

1 comment:

Katrina said...

OMG, I want some mid-afternoon reem reem TOO! I am sure she was THRILLED!