Me and my Pea

Me and my Pea

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Mackenzie

Mackenzie Grace you are 2 today!

This is one of the first pictures of us, together. I hardly remember the tiny baby you once were. Both of us pretty clueless about your needs, you didn't know what you needed and I tried to figure those things out.

You were so cuddly - my arms hurt from holding you so much. I spent hours staring at you.

In the last 2 years you have went from a tiny newborn to an independent toddler. You love to do things by yourself. And you really are exploring your language, you say Com on Duys (come on guys) geev hand (give me your hand), one of your favorite things for breakfast yogiyogiYOGURT - I am still not sure why you call it that. You are currently obsessed with cake, when I got you up this morning I said, Happy Birthday and you answered I want cake -!

You dont let me cuddle you all day like when you were tiny except when you want me to read you a book or you're tired. Starring at you for hours as been replaced with helping you learn life skills, like NOT throwing things, or that folding your arms and rolling your eyes will get you no where except for a time out. Our days are filled with letting you have new experiences like helping me cook, or feeding ducks, or watering plants.

Two years have passed so quickly, I'm sure every Mom wonders if they are making the right choices for their children......even today there are times like our first few days together I am not sure what you really need - but the last two years has taught me we will figure them out together.

Happy Birthday!


Unknown said...

Happy 2nd Birthday, Mackenzie!

Anonymous said...

awww. love this post

Renee Sagon said...