Me and my Pea

Me and my Pea

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Duck. Duck. Goose!

I recently played a game of Duck, Duck, Goose with some rowdy 4&5 year olds. It was fun, and funny to watch some of the younger 4 year olds excitement and glee.
It got me to thinking about Kindergarten, and being really young - and being brave enough to really dream. Back when you couldnt conceptualize failure - literally we thought, "If you could dream it - you could be it". What happened to that child like faith, hope and dreams?
I am fortunate to be living several of my dreams, but I gotta go hang out with 4 & 5 year olds again, they know how to live! Talk about No Fear -! I want to be the key to someones dream.........what I mean is when I hear a dream I want to be the cheerleader that soothes souls, be an encourager to the dream..........I've heard of dream catchers but I want to be and see more dream releasers.

What would our lives be like if ever dream we ever had we acheived? Where would we be, what job would we have, who would be in our sphere of influence?
Its not too late........who said I still can't realize a few dreams I have been carrying around. We are all bigger then our circumstances.......what are your dreams?

After dinner we went to the Duck park, and we fed the ducks the bags of buns left over from lots of summer BBQ's. These ducks must think its the Bronx and not Evergreen Hills (hehehehe) cause they were hissing and basically trying to punk my child - but she is braver then she knows to be. What a nice night we had, riding her new tricycle to the duck park, and playing with all the ducks!

Mackenzie as you dream, know I will always encourage you! I will try to never let my dreams for you supersede the dreams you have for yourself. Never settle for what you can do well, take risks, dream big, push hard - the best dreams that come true are things you barely have faith to think about - and when you see them come to light its amazing.

Looking forward to playing duck duck goose with you!

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